I wanna look like her

I wanna look like her
Am Trapped

My Green Angel

My Green Angel

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Passport Photos

OK so today i was suppose to be in Canada but sadly we couldn't go due to the fact i need to renew my passport, My grandmother was coming after we leave there and my uncles family would be to busy to have us in there care and so the try was cancel. Am move to July 30 to August 5. We also made plans to go to Guyana. So today i had to go to a clinic for a friend need (no questions ask) and their i found my old high school ex with a female who had to get a pregnancy screening. It was funny because if i stay with him i would of been in that position and the we didn't say a thing to each other but he kept giving me glances and stared at his phone which didn't bother me. Then later i had to take Passport photos which turn out weird because the pictures look weird so ill show you what i mean because to me they look like DUI and mug shots lol "i didn't mean to steal that candy" thoughts in my head of the picture.

Green Me DUI and Lucky!!!


Seko in my world

Seko in my world