I wanna look like her

I wanna look like her
Am Trapped

My Green Angel

My Green Angel

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Most relatable quote's i've ever read

"A friend told me that I wear my heart on my sleeve and people are always putting pins in it...."

"I think it is because we are intense people and that is how we define love is by intensity. We try to give all of ourselves in one way or another. In fact we are not actually living in reality we are living in our imaginations and what we define as love. I fall easy but it is hard for me to stay that way cause soon as something happens not in favor of the relationship it is almost as if I awake out of a daze and than it is hard for me to duplicate the feelings and / or the passion that I once had. It's like a drug. I want it. I need it and love it when I have it but for some reason it takes a hold of me and than it scares me."

we are the best to find but the hardest to keep. thats our nature. we give everything too quick and most of the times we just crushed and burned. i've hurt many times but i tell u what. as long as i'm alive i will keep making the same mistake cause i realise that life is meaningless with out LOVE"

Our problem is sometimes we cannot make our mind regarding relationships with people. We can easily make a very deep and strong link with someone, but then drop it quicker. It is easy for us for being such elusive beings, but not that much for others... leaving them hurting. this is done of couse unintentionally, in the deepest of our beings we are not mean to hurt anybody, but neither of us is a perfect being..."

"i think we are often misunderstood and sometimes our complexity comes across as suspicious and then people project their own dodgy thoughts onto us because we are so receptive"

I do have the same intamecy issue though & it has bothered me throughout my whole ife! especially in love relationships,guys who tries to get close to me ...are always surprised by the strenght of my refusal to get close.I do get close whenever I feel like it! I had lots of doubts & fears in a stage of my life bec I was betrayed & abused from this guy i was in love with.It hurt me so bad & obviously it has affected me in a big how I deal with others & in how I see them,I'm trying to get out of this now but it's just like I fear whenever I take off my sheltering shield I' de be abandoned & hurt again :S I don't believe others! I DON'T & if being a Pisces was about believing then I guess am a very sad fish =((
I still want to believe though I keep saying that hope is not gone ,but it's just..I don't feel anything at all ='(
I couldn't agree more with everything wirtten here
as with friends I need a long time to trust them,to get close to them,always have this social barrier though I love to laugh & have a good time."


Seko in my world

Seko in my world