I wanna look like her

I wanna look like her
Am Trapped

My Green Angel

My Green Angel

Monday, November 23, 2009

Am going to try , for some reason my body wont give up as my mind did

Am going to keep trying. Its funny but as much as i say or think i want to give up or run away. I just can't seem to do it. As much as i cry about my problems or break down, am still standing. Even it am unhappy and stressed , Am still living. When am feeling alone , I know there people who care.

I know i will still complain and be unhappy with life offering now, but i dunno as painful as things are. I have hope that something good will come out of it what ever it is. Am just praying for any luck or good to happen. I need some strength or motivation/ or support to keep living life.

I want to keep learning and abosrb but to get to my goals i will need some time and pressure. This cry baby will keep trying even if it kills her slowly. I need to find that happiness again or spark that i once had.

I will try to do art again, give back to the community, play the violin, train my body and write my mind in to a ryhtmic message to the world. I will try to bring out the green beast that i once hold dearly before.

i maybe sad but i haven't giving up yet.

Green Me Hope


Seko in my world

Seko in my world